Painting Service

Painting Service Near You!

KLT Renovation always starts with surface preparation, which is critical to the durability of painted surfaces. Prior to painting, our highly-trained carpenters replace damaged wood to prevent de-lamination of your new paint. Upon request, we perform caulking at areas with split or cracked wood, trim, brick and siding, wood siding with extensive cracks, between wood and doors and windows. Once ready, our skilled painters use quality materials and don’t cut corners. The result is exterior finishes that retain color, resist fading, withstand weather and fight mildew and bleed-through. We are glad to work with your existing and approved paint suppliers.

Painting For Commercial Property:

That having the appropriate commercial painting service is essential for the well-being of their company. A clean, fresh appearance is inviting for customers, which helps a business retain and increase its clients. Buildings and offices that are painted by a qualified painting company demonstrate to clients a concern for detail on the part of the companies housed therein, making them more attractive to prospective clients.

Painting For Residential Property:

When you hire a painting contractor for your home or business, you know that you have many different things to consider. You need to find a contractor who is licensed and insured, and you need to make sure they provide the quality services you deserve and expect. Here at KLT Renovation, we specialize in providing exactly those kinds of services. We are committed to professionalism, quality work, and world-class customer service. That means with KLT Renovation you will have peace of mind. You’ll know you’ve made the right choice with our skilled, professional house painters and commitment to superior results. KLT guarantee reliable, professional work at an affordable price!
You know the value of your assets. We know how to make that value grow. We work to ensure the long-term Value and sustainability of your Property for years to come.